
Apr 17, 2010

Obama drops 9 points in 3 Days

President Obama drops to -17 in the Rasmussen Presidential Approval Index. This is a nine point drop in three days.

So what has happened in the last 3 days? Could it be the recent Tea Parties that presented no negitive 'n' words and spitting? Could it be another progressive Ex-President coming to his defense by ripping conservative Americans of both parties? Could it be his attitude over Nuclear Disarmament? Could it be the TAX info coming out that reflects the despiration of the economy and just how clueless the Obama administration really is.......and that's just 4 possibles. More likely than not, it's just more people are willing to admit how they feel they have been duped.

1 comment:

  1. "feel they have been duped" is an understatement. They now KNOW they were duped.
    The media continues to be over-the-top in their defense and aduration of Hussein even in their denial of such polling and Americans see right thru this.

    What Americans are "feeling" is what Hussein and this current congress is doing TO them and subsequent generations and NOT FOR them.


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