
Mar 26, 2010

CIVILITY Now.....Disobedience Later by Reform

Well intentioned Americans now press for the November elections in hopes of cleaning house.

Do not underestimate the evil behind the events unfolding in America. The battle for America's future is not without the risk of the opposition doing whatever it takes for the power behind the Obama agenda to REMAIN IN POWER.

Martial Law if imposed would change the rules of the game for all Americans and halt November elections leaving current runaway government agendas unstoppable.

There are people on both sides of American issues who are capable of crossing a line which could affect American liberty.

As determined as President Obama and others are to push through their agendas, not underestimate the desire and capability to subdue the nation. They are looking for any excuse... do not give in to it!

'...make no mistake... there are going to be attempts by the opposition to incite civil unrest for reasons later discussed in this post. Do not assume there are NOT plants in the crowds.'

Already, there are racial and anti-gay slurs being thrown around. How does anyone know they are not from Acorn, Communists, Jihad, or Nazi groups bent on destroying America?

A real or perceived (staged) national emergency to justify an imposition of Martial law , would change the ball game indefinitely. If imposed by any justification before November 2010 an Executive Order by America's 'Commander in Chief' would change the rules of the game for all Americans and halt November elections leaving current runaway government agendas unstoppable.

Given the patterns and practices by Democrats over many months to gain a victory for 'Health Care Reform' ...anything is possible.

Don't try and be a gladiator .. resist blowing your cool and give anyone a reason that could hurt us all.

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