
Nov 2, 2009

Today In The News!

Here it is Monday morning, Nov 2nd....a few days before the montrous Health Care bill is to voted upon and this is what is happening....

This administration is the most thin skinned and anti American people administration I have ever witnessed. We have a right to petition. Write or call your Senator and Congressman and tell them about you rights being violated. 202 -224 -3121

This weekend these activists are celebrating and preparing for the battle ahead. Here is an excerpt from the latest Obama team message:

“One year ago today, we were in the homestretch of the Obama for America campaign. I had been organizing on the ground in Ohio for months, with hundreds of incredible -- and exhausted -- staff, and thousands and thousands of amazing volunteers.

We were hopeful, but we didn't take anything for granted. As we watched the victorious results of your hard work come in -- state-by-state, county-by-county, precinct-by-precinct -- we were completely elated. I'm sure you felt the same way.

But that work wasn't finished, and it still isn't. That night, President-Elect Obama told us that the election victory was only the beginning of the change we all sought -- and today, through Organizing for America, we're fighting just as hard to make health insurance reform a reality, this year.”

As you can see from the message, these activists are focused on passing Obamacare. They believe that once their bill is passed, taking over 20 percent of the US economy, then weak willed Republicans won’t repeal it even if they win a majority in the US Congress next year.

It is more important than ever that we continue to focus on defeating this dangerous legislation.Finally, the highlight of the Sunday news shows was the appearance of Rush Limbaugh on FOXNEWS Sunday with Chris Wallace. If you haven’t watched the video, you are missing a treat. Rush slammed Obama calling him “immature,” "narcissistic," and "inexperienced," and a “radical leader.” Watch it here:

“He’s a child. I think he’s got a five minute career,” Limbaugh surmised.

I agree with what Rush said over the weekend...that every morning we wake up to a new battle on some front and it is like a never ending war! Have a great day all you patriots. We fight on. The keystroke is mightier than the sword.

"When I was young, my father used to say that some day this country would have two (2) Classes 'Jailers and Prisoners'. I did not understand what he meant then, but I sure do now."

Think about this....

"When the bill comes before congress to give illegal aliens voting rights, and it passes, legal voters votes will be null and void. If they can do it with HC, they can cram Amnesty thtough too. What then ?? I also think that there will be some concoction fabricated down the road to enable the left to declare Martial law and stop all future Elections.. what then ???"

"Riddle me this...

Why is it that if you cross the North Korean border illegally you get thrown into prison and get 12 years of hard labor?

If you cross the Iranian border while out supposedly leisurely hiking in the hills, you get arrested and imprisoned.

But if you cross the U.S. border illegally:

You get a drivers license, a Social Security card, fickin'Food Stamps, Welfare, Free health Care and Free Education!"

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